Afghanistan’s peace envoy Salahuddin Rabbani today met US special representative for Af-Pak Marc Grossman during which they discussed efforts to advance a peace process in the war-torn country.

“The United States continues to agree with Afghan leaders that a peace process is critical to our shared goal of a more stable and secure Afghanistan,” Grossman said in a statement after his meeting with Rabbani, Chairman of Afghan High Peace Council.

Rabbani is also scheduled to meet Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Grossman, who a day earlier had announced that he would leave the position on December 14, expressed his appreciation for his dedication to making concrete progress in support of this goal.

He is being replaced by Deputy Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan David D Pearce.

State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland said that nominating a successor to Grossman has been left to the new Secretary of State.

In a statement, Pakistani Ambassador to the US Sherry Rehman said Grossman will be dearly missed.

“His professionalism, dedication, integrity, and commitment to improving Pakistan-US ties at all times will be remembered not just by us, but by both countries,” she said.