Pakistan on Tuesday “strongly rejected” India’s claim” of targeting terrorist camp near Balakot and causing heavy casualties even as it vowed to respond “at the time and place of its choosing” to what it called India’s “uncalled for aggression“.

At a special meeting of the National Security Committee hours after Indian air strikes in Balakot inside Pakistan, Prime Minister Imran Khan asked the armed forces and the people of Pakistan to remain prepared for all eventualities.

India bombed and destroyed Jaish-e-Mohammed’s biggest training camp in Pakistan early Tuesday, killing a “very large number” of terrorists, trainers and senior commanders, officials said in New Delhi.

“Forum (NSC) strongly rejected Indian claim of targeting an alleged terrorist camp near Balakot and the claim of heavy casualties. Once again Indian government has resorted to a self serving, reckless and fictitious claim,” said a statement issued after the NSC meeting in Islamabad.

It claimed that the “action has been done for domestic consumption being in election environment, putting regional peace and stability at grave risk.”

It also invited the world media to see the facts on ground and proposed a visit to the site.

“Forum concluded that India has committed uncalled for aggression to which Pakistan shall respond at the time and place of its choosing,” it added.

To take the nation on board, the government has decided to requisition a joint session of the Parliament, the statement said.

Khan will also engage with global leadership to “expose irresponsible” Indian policy in the region.