Web retailer Amazon.com is to add 7,000 full time positions in the United States as it continues to expand its retail operations.

The Seattle-based company said that 5,000 of the new jobs would be at its regional fulfillment centres — huge warehouses that ship goods to customers. The company said its it also hiring for 2,000 positions at its customer service network.

The Company, which currently employs some 97,000 workers, including 20,000 in its US fulfillment centres, said the new hiring phase would begin immediately.

Amazon said the new jobs would pay approximately 30 per cent more than traditional retail positions, with employees also enjoying a string of benefits such as healthcare, and stock awards, as well as payment for educational courses.

The announcement came just days after the web retail giant reported a 22 per cent rise in second quarter revenues to $ 15.7 billion as it continued its strategy of rapid expansion at the cost of profits. The company said it lost $ 7 million in the quarter.