US President Donald trump today said the American economy is headed for “exciting times” as he has already taken steps to get rid of regulations and reducing taxes.

“I think that it’s gonna continue big league. We’re bringing back jobs, we’re bringing down your taxes, we’re getting rid of your regulations. I think it’s gonna be some really very exciting times ahead,” Trump said in a meeting with CEOs and economic experts for a strategy and policy forum in White House’s State Dining Room.

“We’re and we’re gonna be coming up with a tax bill very son, a health care bill even sooner. And it’s really working out,” he said and expressed satisfaction over the monthly jobs report.

Trump said “a couple of things happened this morning” like creation of 227,000 new jobs in January, “great spirit in the country right now. So we’re very happy about that.”

“We will use very smart people to make money. Why don’t you get other people to run the economy? I said no, we have to get the right people. And the people that voted for me understand that and that’s what they want,” he said.

“We’re looking forward in a little while in the upcoming few moments to discuss all of the things that you think we can do to bring back our jobs, to get taxes even lower than we’re gonna be cutting. We have a great plan, but I want to have your input on the plan in particular and to do what we have to do in terms of regulation. We have some of the bankers here,” Trump said.

Stephen Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone group said the purpose of this group is to get things done, to advise the government as to areas where they can do things a lot better as a country for all Americans.