Apple demanded today that Samsung Electronics pay it $380 million for copying vital iPhone and iPad features, as a billion-dollar patent fight between the world’s two biggest smartphone makers resumed in a Silicon Valley courtroom.

An Apple attorney made the demand during opening statements in a trial to determine damages. The statements included a video of Apple founder Steve Jobs unveiling the first iPhone at the now-famous Jan 9, 2007, Macworld conference in San Francisco. Since then, Apple alleges, Samsung has embarked on a copying campaign to keep pace in the exploding smartphone market.

“Apple lost sales because Samsung was selling infringing products,” Apple attorney Harold McIhenny told the jury.

Attorneys for Samsung are expected to make their opening remarks later in the day.

A previous jury awarded Apple $1.05 billion after determining 26 Samsung products had infringed six Apple patents. But a judge found the jury miscalculated $400 million in damages for 13 products and ordered a new trial to determine the proper amount.

The new jury is free to order new damages ranging from nothing to more than the original $400 million.