Australia will support India’s membership of the Nuclear Supplier Group, the newly appointed Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said here on Monday.

“I have informed External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid of the Australian Government’s decision. We believe it is appropriate given India’s strategic importance in the region and given India’s record on non-proliferation,” she told newspersons after a meeting with the Indian External Affairs Minister.

NSG is a multinational body concerned with reducing nuclear proliferation by controlling the export and re-transfer of materials that may be applicable to nuclear weapon development and by improving safeguards and protection on existing materials. Earlier, former French President Nicholas Sarkozy also expressed his country’s backing for India’s inclusion in Nuclear Suppliers Group.

The UK has for a long time been a supporter of India’s membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Bishop also expressed the hope that India and Australia will also be able to complete a closer trade agreement or a free trade pact and added that “we hope the governments can be ambitious though pragmatic in approaching the negotiations for such an agreement.”

Abbott visit

Meanwhile, India said it was looking forward to the visit of the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

“We are looking for a very early slot early next year. It is very important that we get the Australian Prime Minister to come here,” Khurshid said.

Nuclear deal

Later answering questions, Bishop said that there was no delay in concluding the civil nuclear agreement.

“The two countries will hold the third round of negotiations on November 26. There is no specific time frame,” she added.
