US Vice-President Joe Biden today said that he is still undecided about running for the 2016 presidential elections, a prospect that may entail a clash with Hillary Clinton for the Democratic party nomination.

“There are a whole lot of reasons why I wouldn’t run. I haven’t made that decision and I don’t have to make that decision for a while,” Biden told CNN in an interview.

Biden evaded the question if he would run against Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, who many in the US speculate is a potential strong Democratic Party candidate in the 2016 elections.

“Look, I haven’t made that judgment and Hillary hasn’t made that judgment, but I can tell you what, everything that should be done over the next two years that I should be part of would have to be done whether I run or I don’t run,” he said.

“If this administration is successful, whoever is running as a Democrat is better position to win. If we are not successful, whoever runs as a nominee is going to be less likely to win,” Biden said.

Biden said that for the next two years his focus would be on addressing key issues facing the nation.

“In the meantime, there’s one thing I know I have to do no matter what I do. I have to help this president move this country to the next stage,” Biden said.

“We’re out of the God awful situation we were in the first time we were sworn in, two wars, the economy in the tank like it hadn’t been since the great depression. We’re beyond that.

Now I’ve never been more optimistic in my life,” he said.

“We are in a position where we are able to be to the point where we can bring this debt under control, a sound financial policy, energy independence in a way we’ve never thought about before. We’re respected by the world again like we haven’t been for the last 20 years,” he added.