Chinese lawmakers today expelled disgraced leader Bo Xilai from Parliament, completing his extirpation from politics and stripping him of immunity from prosecution for a series of corruption charges.

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) announced the termination of Bo’s membership in the NPC, his last official position.

“According to the law on deputies to the NPC and to local people’s congresses, his post was terminated,” state-run Xinhua news agency quoted a statement issue by the NPC Standing Committee which wrapped up a bimonthly session here.

Bo, believed to be a votary of Mao Zedong’s hard-line policies, was formerly secretary of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and also a Politburo Member.

The announcement comes ahead of the 18th Party Congress here from November 8 that will set out who will occupy the top positions in the Communist Party hierarchy, part of a once-in-decade leadership transition.

Bo was expelled from the Communist Party and the Government last month, after being stripped of leadership positions in April.

He once was considered a top contender for the all-powerful Politburo Standing Committee, the team of nine politicians who effectively rule China, but the news report on his expulsion last month, painted a portrait of corruption, abuse of power and improper sexual relationships.

Bo’s dismissal was recommended by the local legislature of Chongqing city headed by him till recently.

Investigators determined that his behaviour tarnished the party’s reputation, Xinhua reported, and discovered “clues to his suspected involvement in other crimes.”

Bo is also accused of attempting to shield his wife Gu Kailai from investigation into her role in the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood last year. She has already been given suspended death sentence.

Bo is expected to be face trial before the November 8 key Party Congress.

The scandal was unveiled in February when Chongqing police chief Wang Lijun sought refuge in the US consulate in Chengdu, following which Bo was removed from his party post in Chongqing.