Boris Johnson, who has pledged to deliver Brexit on October 31, surged closer to power on Thursday when he won by far the most support from the ruling Conservative Party’s lawmakers in the first round of the contest to replace Prime Minister Theresa May.

Three years since voting 52 per cent-48 per cent to leave the European Union, the United Kingdom is heading towards a possible crisis over Brexit as most of the candidates vying to succeed May are prepared to leave on October 31 without a deal.

Also read:The downfall of Theresa May: The Prime Minister broken by Brexit

But the British parliament has indicated it will try to thwart a ‘no-deal’ Brexit, which investors warn would send shock waves through financial markets and the world economy.

Johnson, the face of the official campaign to leave the European Union in the 2016 referendum, won the support of 114 Conservative lawmakers in the first round of the contest to replace May. A total of 313 lawmakers voted.

He said: “Thank you to my friends and colleagues in the Conservative & Unionist Party for your support. I am delighted to win the first ballot, but we have a long way to go.”

Also read:What will British PM May's successor do about Brexit?

His closest rivals in the first round were: Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt garnered 43 votes, Environment Minister Michael Gove got 37 votes and former Brexit Minister Dominic Raab received 27 votes.

Sajid Javid, Interior Minister, came fifth with 23 votes. Matt Hancock won 20 votes and Rory Stewart, 19. Three were knocked out: Andrea Leadsom, former leader of the House of Commons, Mark Harper and Esther McVey.

Betting markets give Johnson, who has a long record of scandals and gaffes, a 70 per cent probability of winning the top job.

Next round of voting

The second round is due on June 18 with further ballots planned for June 19 and June 20 until there are just two candidates. A postal ballot of the wider Conservative Party membership will then be held to pick a leader.

A new Prime Minister should be chosen by the end of July.

There had been speculation that the contest could be accelerated due to Johnson's strong lead but there was no immediate sign of rivals bowing out of the race. “Thank you to all my colleagues who voted for me,” Stewart said. “We can win this.”

‘Delay means defeat’

Johnson kicked-off his official campaign on Wednesday with a pledge to lead Britain out of the European Union on October 31 and a warning to his divided Conservative Party that “ delay means defeat ”.

“After three years and two missed deadlines, we must leave the EU on October 31,” Johnson, the 54-year-old former Foreign Minister and London mayor, said then. “I am not aiming for a no-deal outcome.”

Johnson, whose unconventional style has helped him shrug off a series of scandals in the past, has won over much of his party by arguing that only he can rescue the Conservatives by delivering Brexit.

The EU has refused to renegotiate the Withdrawal Agreement reached with May last November and rejected by parliament three times. Ireland has indicated it is not willing to change the Irish border “backstop” that upset the Northern Irish party which props up May's minority government.