The slain Boston bombings suspect died of bullet wounds and blunt trauma to head and torso after being shot by the police and run over and dragged by a vehicle, according to his death certificate.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, died in an exchange of fire with the police in a neighbourhood here, three days after he and his younger brother Dzhokhar, 19, allegedly carried out the Boston Marathon bombings, killing three people and injuring more than 250.

Tamerlan’s body was claimed by a Boston funeral home on Thursday.

Yesterday, the funeral home, which received a copy of the death certificate from authorities told US media that it said that Tamerlan died of “gunshot wounds of torso and extremities” and “blunt trauma to head and torso”.

It lists the timing of his death as 1.35 am (local time) on April 19.

The death certificate also states that Tamerlan was shot by police, and run over and dragged by a vehicle, the Boston Globe reported.

His younger brother Dzhokhar was arrested by the police in the night of April 19 from a Boston neighbourhood and was immediately taken to a hospital for treatment of gunshot wounds.

Charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction, Dzhokhar has now been transferred to a federal prison.

Tamerlan’s final rites are yet to be completed.

Tamerlan’s body was claimed by his uncle Ruslan Tsarni.

The family plans an independent autopsy before burying the body, his family spokeswoman Heda Saratova, said.

Meanwhile, local media reported that several people have been protesting against the funeral home for keeping the body of an alleged terrorist.

However, the owner of the funeral home defended his decision.

“I’m not honouring a terrorist. I’m just burying a body,” Peter Stefan, owner of Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors, told the local Telegram & Gazette .