A group of supporters of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has launched a campaign to support her possible presidential bid in the 2016 elections.

The group “Ready for Hillary” is a Super PAC, a Political Action Committee (PAC), that is a type of organisation that campaigns for or against candidates, ballot initiatives or legislation.

However, Clinton, who relinquished the post of top diplomat of the US in February this year, is not personally involved in this Super PAC nor has she endorsed it.

Clinton, who is scheduled to give her first paid speech in Texas later this month, has been muted on the issue after she stepped down as Secretary of State.

“We are going to keep up the energy and excitement surrounding her potential candidacy. To succeed, we need to start building an extensive field programme — getting neighbours talking to neighbours, organising on college campuses, and putting together the winning team of supporters that will help Hillary win in 2016,” Ready for Hillary PAC Chairwoman Allida Black said in a statement.

“Together, let’s send a resounding message that America is ready for Hillary. Stand with us today!” she said.

In a statement, the group said, it is off to a ‘super’ start, with an average one thousand grassroots supporters joining its efforts every single day.

“Even before the impending official launch of the PAC, more than 100,000 grassroots supporters are now part of our network,” the statement said.

The super PAC was co-founded in January by Black, a human rights advocate, historian and longtime Clinton supporter and Adam Parkhomenko, Clinton’s political staff member from 2003 to 2008.