China today strongly condemned the wave of terrorist attacks in Paris that killed more than 120 people and expressed support to the French government in maintaining security and stability.

“China is greatly shocked by the terrorist attacks that have caused massive casualties. China strongly condemns these attacks,” foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said.

“China expresses deep condolences to the victims and extends sincere sympathies to the families of the dead and injured,” Hong said in a statement.

Describing terrorism as a common challenge facing mankind, Hong said China firmly supports France to maintain national security and stability and combat terrorism.

At least 120 people were killed in an “unprecedented” series of bombings and shootings across Paris yesterday.

The attacks, whose motive was not immediately clear, came less than a year after jihadist gunmen killed 17 people in attacks on Charlie Hebdo magazine and a Jewish supermarket.

A state of emergency has been declared by President Francois Hollande. He also announced that he was closing the country’s border.