Negotiators from North Korea and China held strategic talks in Beijing today as they work to repair strained relations, but offered little indication they will lead to a resumption of nuclear disarmament talks any time soon.

Neither Pyongyang nor Beijing offered details of the meeting between North Korean First Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan and Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui. They were expected to focus on bilateral relations and the situation on the Korean Peninsula.

The meeting followed Pyongyang’s surprise offer on Sunday for direct talks with the US after months of threats that raised the possibility of fresh fighting on the Korean Peninsula.

With its long-range rocket launch and nuclear test earlier this year, North Korea angered China, its most important ally, leading Beijing to back tightened UN sanctions, crack down on North Korean banking activity and urge Pyongyang to return to disarmament talks.

North Korea has sought to mend ties since then, including with a visit last month to Beijing by top envoy Vice Marshal Choe Ryong Hae, who was quoted as saying Pyongyang was “willing to take active measures” to return to talks.

Choe’s visit was followed by renewed outreach to South Korea, and on Sunday, Pyongyang proposed “senior-level” talks with the US to ease tensions and negotiate a formal peace treaty ending the Korean War, which concluded only with an armistice.

However, in its invitation, North Korea’s National Defence Commission, the powerful governing body led by leader Kim Jong Un, insisted that there be no preconditions to talks and no demands that Pyongyang give up its prized nuclear assets unless Washington is willing to do the same.

The Obama administration responded that it was open to dialogue, but wants “credible negotiations” that involve North Korean compliance with UN resolutions and would lead to a nuclear-free North.

The proposal is expected to be discussed in meetings this week in Washington involving US, Japanese and South Korean officials.

Renewing nuclear talks is also expected to be on the agenda for meetings this week between Chinese leaders and visiting United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, a former South Korean foreign minister.

China is also expected to reaffirm its support for a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula during a visit next week by South Korea’s President Park Geun-hye.