China has extended support and assistance for Myanmar's follow-up efforts after a military plane crashed off the Southeast Asian country's southern coast with 122 people on board.

State news agency Xinhua reported on late Friday that in a condolence message President Xi Jinping told his counterpart U Htin Kyaw, “China, as a friendly neighbour, shares Myanmar's sorrow over the incident.”

“Xi mourned the dead and extended sincere sympathy to the government and people of Myanmar, especially the families of the victims,” the agency added.

The aircraft, a Chinese-made Y-8-200F transport plane, lost contact 29 minutes after take-off on Wednesday, while at a height of 18,000 feet (5,485 metres) about 43 miles (70 km) west of the coastal town of Dawei, according to the Myanmar military.

Soldiers, family members and crew were on board the weekly flight from several coastal towns to Myanmar's biggest city of Yangon when it went missing.

“Search teams have found one more body, taking to 32 the tally of those pulled from the sea,” the military said in a statement on Saturday, adding that high waves and stormy weather continue to hinder recovery efforts.