Estonia blamed China for crushing its efforts to hold a meeting with the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to discuss the spread of coronavirus and loss of lives across the world. China, from where the coronavirus emerged, is the President of the UNSC till March 31, the Dominican Republic will then take over China, as per the Hindustan Times report.

According to the media reports, China declined to convene the meet by asking its close allies -- Russia and South Africa to vote against it. China then stated that there was no consensus within the UNSC to convene a meeting on the coronavirus.

The Estonian proposal sought for transparency over the COVID-19 outbreak, but the three countries rejected despite being seriously affected by the virus.

A diplomat cited in the Hindustan Times said: “It is quite evident that none of the P-5 wants to come up with a solution that is binding on them such as opening up the borders,” said a diplomat.”

The report suggested that the UN and WHO are not holding China accountable and are shy to call out the country for the spread of the virus because currently, China is the leading distributor of ventilators, HAZMAT suits, masks, and other equipment that are needed to treat COVID-19 patients.

A China watcher mentioned in the report said: “All the countries are quiet over China as they may have to import the same equipment from them in case of a worst-case scenario. Simply put, China first created the demand and now will supply it.”

Meanwhile, China’s Wuhan, which was the epicenter of the coronavirus, inches back to normalcy as China has lifted the inter-province travel restrictions and started resuming business operations, including the opening of malls and restaurants.