Foxconn Technology Group, one of the world’s biggest contract electronics makers, has confirmed that it is being investigated by Chinese authorities following allegations that at least one executive has accepted bribes.

The comments followed a report by Taiwan’s Next Magazine , which claimed a Foxconn manager was detained in the southern city of Shenzhen, because he sought bribes from suppliers.

Foxconn said it was co-operating with the probe and was reviewing the processes.

The allegation is the latest problem to hit Foxconn, which makes products for firms such as Apple, Panasonic, Samsung and Sony. It has huge assembly units in China employing lakhs of workers.

The company was founded by Terry Gou, one of Asia’s richest men, and has previously admitted to hiring underage interns and has had worker suicides at its factories in China.

In response to the allegations made by Next Magazine, Foxconn said it was carrying out an internal investigation into the allegations, BBC reported.

t said that it was also looking to implement measures that would prevent such incidents from happening.