Donald Trump today returned to his “rigged system” rhetoric as the Republican presidential candidate hit out at the FBI for giving a clean chit to Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, saying it is “impossible” to go through 650,000 e-mails in a little over a week.

“Right now, she is being protected by a rigged system.

It’s a totally rigged system,” Trump told his supporters in a Detroit suburb in Michigan.

The 70-year-old real estate tycoon’s remarks were his first reaction after the FBI Director Jim Comey said that it has not changed its view following a renewed probe into the alleged em-ail scandal involving Clinton after it assessed new emails found in the laptop of one of her close aides.

It is reported that there were 650,000 emails in that laptop.

“Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton,” Comey told leaders of the US Congress in a letter.

Hours later, Trump challenged the FBI’s statement.

“You can’t review 650,000 emails in eight days. You can’t do it folks. Hillary Clinton is guilty. She knows it. FBI knows it.

“Now it is up to the people of the United States to deliver justice,” he said as his supporters responded back with “lock her up” chants.

“The investigations into her crimes will go on for a long time. It’s unbelievable, unbelievable, what she gets away with,” Trump said.

The rank-and-file special agents at the FBI won’t let her get away with her terrible crimes, including the deletion of her 33,000 emails after receiving a congressional subpoena,” he said.

Clinton, who was campaigning in Cleveland, however, did not make any mention of it in her address.