The first victim of the coronavirus pandemic is reportedly a 57-year-old Wei, a shrimp seller from Wuhan, China, the city where the virus emerged in late December 2019, according to media reports.

The first case of coronavirus recovered fully from the disease in January after a month-long treatment. She believes that the laid back attitude of the Chinese government had led to the unprecedented expansion of the virus around the world.

According to The Wall Street Journal, she was selling shrimps at the Huanan Seafood Market on December 10, when she caught a cold.

What she had to say

She went to a local hospital where she was given an injection and prescribed some medicines. However, nothing seemed to work on the lady as her condition kept on deteriorating, the Mirror UK reported.

At the Union Hospital, Wei was told her sickness was "ruthless" and that many from Huanan Market had visited the hospital with matching symptoms. At the end of December, Wei was quarantined when doctors related the emergence of the coronavirus with the seafood market, the Mirror quoted Chinese news outlet The Paper.

According to the mirror report, coronaviruses clearly have the ability to cross species boundaries and adapt to new hosts, which allows us to more directly predict more coronaviruses in the future.

The COVID-19 'patient zero' believes that infection got transmitted to her when she shared the same toilet with meat sellers in the market.

She said several vendors trading close to her also contracted the virus. In a release, Wuhan Municipal Health Commission confirmed Wei was among the first 27 patients to test positive for COVID-19 and one of 24 cases directly related to the market.

Meanwhile, the world tally stands at staggering 7,22,196, with 33,976 deaths and 1,51,766 recovered from the disease.