Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd is facing defeat at next month’s election with polls in the country’s most marginal electorates indicating a record slump in his voter satisfaction level.

The Newspoll, published in The Australian newspaper, has found voter satisfaction with Rudd sliding down to 35 points, a lower rating than when he was ousted from the job in 2010.

It was also found that the satisfaction with Rudd dropped four points since the Newspoll taken at the beginning of the election campaign.

Voter dissatisfaction with him has jumped six points to 54 per cent, while opposition leader Tony Abbott’s dissatisfaction rating fell just one point to 51 per cent.

Rudd’s satisfaction rating is the lowest it has been since returning to the Labor leadership.

Abbott has managed to hike his satisfaction rating which rose three points to 41 per cent.

Labor’s primary support is also at its lowest level since Rudd wrested the Prime Minister’s job back.

The opposition coalition now leads the Labor party on primary support 47 per cent to 34.

Labor has also fallen further behind the Coalition on a two—party preferred basis, with the Coalition now holding a 54 to 46 per cent lead.

Rudd, 55, a former diplomat, ousted Julia Gillard as leader in June in a bold party-room coup to revive the government’s public support following a prolonged poll slump under Gillard.