Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk took to Twitter on Friday raising doubts over the accuracy of Covid-19 tests. This comes after he took four coronavirus tests in one day that gave varying results.

He wrote on the micro-blogging site:


Musk revealed that he has not demonstrated any coronavirus symptoms, except the common cold. "Nothing unusual so far," he added.

He also asked the Twitter community to weigh in their opinion on the coronavirus tests.

He tweeted: “Would be great to hear from people who know a lot about the PCR testing industry. What’s the approximate false positive rate, all things considered, for cov2 PCR tests?”

He further questioned the accuracy and said: “What is the general population (no knowledge of symptoms) accuracy of a sars-cov2 PCR test & is it possible to generate a false positive if you simply run enough cycles?”

Musk has remained skeptical about the coronavirus, protocols, and testing since the beginning of the pandemic. Earlier in March, he had called the panic around the pandemic “dumb.”

Later this year, he again stirred controversy when some Tesla workers at the California plant alleged that safety measures at the plant were inadequate and the company cut payment or leave if the employees chose to stay at home fearing coronavirus.