The Federal Bureau of Investigation and US Secret Service have launched a probe into suspected hacking of personal information related to VVIPs like US First Lady, Michelle Obama, Vice-President Joe Biden, and several other eminent figures, which appeared on a Web site with Russian roots.

The Web site also posted information about several Hollywood celebrities and top US officials, including that of FBI Director Robert Mueller, Attorney General Eric Holder, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

“We will confirm Secret Service is investigating the matter. We cannot comment further as it is an ongoing investigation,” said Secret Service spokesperson Brian Leahy.

Some of the information posted are very detailed, and even the social security number of the First Lady and Biden have been uploaded.

The information posted about the First Lady claimed that she carried a balance of $12,944 on a Bank of America credit card at one point in the last two-and-a-half years. It also showed an $886-balance on a Banana Republic card prior to her move to the White House.

“Blame your husband, we still love you, Michelle,” the Web site said.

Other celebrities whose personal information have been compromised are Kim Kardashian, Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Hulk Hogan.

Details about influential figures such as Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Al Gore, Los Angeles Police Department Chief Charlie Beck were also posted.