India and other G4 countries have expressed their common vision for a reformed UN Security Council, seeking a concise working document which will serve as a basis for further negotiations on expansion in the permanent and non-permanent categories.

Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai, Brazil’s Minister of External Relations Antonio de Aguiar Patriota, Germany’s Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Guido Westerwelle and Japan’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Koichiro Gemba met here yesterday on the sidelines of the 67th Session of the UN General Assembly to exchange views on UNSC reform.

They expressed the view that strong support for an expansion in both categories should be reflected in the negotiation process among member states and called for the drafting of a concise working document as the basis for further negotiations.

They renewed their common vision of a reformed Security Council, which takes into consideration contributions made by countries to the maintenance of international peace and security and other purposes of the organisation, as well as the need for increased representation of developing countries in both categories in order to better reflect the current geopolitical realities.

“The G4 countries reiterated their commitments as aspiring new permanent members of the UN Security Council, as well as their support for each other’s candidatures,” a joint press statement of the G4 meeting said.