‘Greek referendum not about being in euro zone or not’

Reuters Updated - January 24, 2018 at 03:58 AM.

The European Union is looking for ways to keep Greece inside the euro, but that may mean getting used to having a bankrupt country in the single currency area, European Council President Donald Tusk was quoted as saying.

“Maybe we will have to get used to living with a country as a member of the euro zone in bankruptcy,’’ Tusk said in an interview given on Thursday evening to news Web site Politico before Sunday’s Greek referendum on a bailout deal.

“It’s very clear that the referendum is not ... about being in the euro zone or not,’’ Tusk said, diverging from other EU leaders who have said Sunday’s referendum is about whether Greece stayed in the euro zone.

If Greeks vote ‘yes’ on Sunday, “I think it’s a chance to open a new chapter in negotiations, perhaps more promising than before,’’ Tusk said.

In case of a ‘no’, “the space for negotiation will be smaller, obviously’’, Tusk said, who chairs EU summits.

Published on July 4, 2015 07:10