International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde said on Thursday she is open to serving a second term at the helm of the global lender.

Lagarde's term runs out in mid-2016 and she has said she will make a decision on a second term toward the end of the year.

"I'm certainly open to the fact that it would not be my last annual meeting, but this is not for me to decide, it's for the membership," she said at a press conference during the Fund's annual meeting in Lima, Peru.

"I have served, done my best and am prepared to serve, but it's not my call."

No challengers have raised their hands as yet and Lagarde, a former French finance minister who is well regarded by the international community, is expected to have broad support should she push for another term.

But there has also been speculation she may return to France amid growing calls to end the monopoly Europe has had on the top job at the Fund, handing the reins to an emerging market representative instead.