Indian citizens working in strife-torn Iraq are hanging on to the promises of Indian officials, including the Ambassador, who have told them that all efforts will be made to evacuate them and bring them back home safely.

Marina, one of the 46 Indian nurses stuck in Tikrit Teaching Hospital, said that they have been receiving calls from various Indian officials.

Chandy’s help The Chief Minister of Kerala Oomen Chandy has also been in touch with them constantly and has ensured them of help.

The Indian professionals are being taken care of by International Red Crescent even as they work in the hospital that is now in the hands of militants.

Though apprehensive about the conversation being listened into, the nurse said that IRC was providing them with water and food. “We are getting food.

“However, we are keen to get back home but are scared to move out as the situation is said to be unsafe,” Marina said on telephone from Tikrit. “We have been advised to stay put,” she said replying to a question on when they expected to leave Iraq. Marina could not comment on the situation prevailing in Tikrit currently, as she said they had not ventured out.