As Prime Minister Narendra Modi reached the White House for the private dinner hosted by President Barack Obama, India and the US on Monday issued a vision statement “Chalein Saath Saath: Forward Together We Go” that called for a joint endeavour for prosperity and peace.

“As leaders of two great democratic nations with diverse traditions and faiths, we share a vision for a partnership in which the United States and India work together, not just for the benefit of both our nations, but for the benefit of the world,” the White House said in a statement.

The vision statement said that US-India strategic partnership is a joint endeavour for prosperity and peace, and through intense consultations, joint exercises and shared technology, their security cooperation will make the region and world safe and secure.

“Together, we will combat terrorist threats and keep our homelands and citizens safe from attacks, while we respond expeditiously to humanitarian disasters and crises.

“We will prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and remain committed to reducing the salience of nuclear weapons, while promoting universal, verifiable, and non—discriminatory nuclear disarmament,” it said.

Asserting that the US and India will have a transformative relationship as trusted partners in the 21st century, the White House said, “Our partnership will be a model for the rest of the world”.