Pakistan has expressed concerns that the growing strategic relationship between India and the US should not result in bringing instability in the South Asian region and that America should take into consideration the ground realities of Jammu and Kashmir, according to Pakistan High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit.

“So long as the strategic relationship between India and the US does not create imbalance in the region, it is fine. But, when a bilateral relationship affects the region negatively, then that is an issue of concern for us. We hope that will not happen because it is in the US’ interest to maintain peace and tranquillity in the region and help promote cooperative paradigm and I think the US will play its role more constructively and positively,” Basit told BusinessLine in an interview.

Cherry-picking no use

In the joint statement that was issued post Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s first bilateral meeting with the US President Donald Trump on June 27, both came down heavily on Pakistan and they urged the Nawaz Sharif government to rein in the forces of terrorism that is emanating from the country.

“It (India-US joint statement) is unhelpful. This does not take into account the realities on the ground. Terrorism is also a huge issue for us. We wish the statement had also taken note of the root cause of terrorism and that of Jammu and Kashmir. So, cherry-picking doesn’t help. To that extent, the statement is not helpful since it does not take into account the real issues that continue to bedevil the relationship between India and Pakistan and which are not allowing us to move forward,” Basit added.

Earlier in April, the US National Security Adviser (NSA) HR McMaster had visited Pakistan. He had then told the Pakistani government to confront terrorism in all its forms and it should start targeting militant groups “less selectively” and stop using “proxies that engage in violence.”

“We are still a major non-NATO ally of the US and it does understand where Pakistan stands in terms of our contributions towards fighting terrorism and promoting intra-Afghan reconciliation and as well as our sincerity towards India as well. I think US does understand Pakistan’s concerns and priorities,” the High Commissioner highlighted.

South Asia policy

Basit also said that Pakistan is eagerly waiting for the Trump administration to come up with its much touted South Asia policy, which he believes may well spell out the path to take US-Pakistan strategic ties to the “next level.”

The present US government had been particularly critical of the Pakistan government’s move to target some selective terror outfit while not being tough with the activities of dreaded terrorist organisations like Laskhar-e-Taiba and others, which repeatedly target India.