The editor of an Irish daily that carried topless pictures of a sunbathing Kate Middleton has resigned in the wake of the controversy that had outraged the British Royal family.

Michael O’Kane, the Editor of the Irish Daily 'Star' had been suspended from his position in September while the tabloid carried an internal probe into the tabloid’s decision to reprint the pictures.

The pictures of Kate and Prince William on a private holiday in France were first printed by the French magazine ‘Closer’ and were later reproduced by several European publications, including the Irish Daily ‘Star’.

The British Royal family launched legal action against the French magazine.

In a statement yesterday, the paper said, “As a result of the publication on September 15, 2012, issues arose with the shareholders of Independent Star Limited.”

“Having considered those issues in tandem with Mr O’Kane, it is Mr O’Kane’s decision to resign as Editor of the Irish Daily ‘Star’, effective immediately,” the statement said.

Media tycoon Richard Desmond, whose Northern and Shell group co-owns the newspaper with the Irish-based Independent News and Media, had threatened to shut the Dublin operation down, according to the Irish Examiner.

Independent News and Media said O’Kane acted at all times in a highly professional and appropriate manner and in the best interests of the newspaper.

“Independent Star Limited thanks Michael O’Kane for his valued service and wishes him the very best in the next chapter of his career in the media, which we are certain will be long and fruitful,” the statement said.