Smartphone giants Apple and Samsung renewed their US court battle on Tuesday in a trial to determine damages for Samsung’s violation of Apple’s iPhone and iPad patents.

The trial is the continuation of the 2011 case in which a jury found the South Korean company guilty of violating Apple’s patents and ordered the company to pay over $1 billion in damages.

However Judge Lucy Koh of the US District Court in California’s Northern District granted Samsung’s appeal saying the jury overestimated the damages by more than $400 million and ordered a new trial to determine the correct level of redress.

The trial comes amid a rapidly changing smartphone environment in which Samsung has grabbed the global sales lead from Apple’s iPhone with a broad range of products that appeal to all segments of the market, while Apple’s iPhone is aimed at the market’s high end.

Koh’s original ruling covered 28 patents used in a variety of Samsung phones that are no longer on the market. Apple has sued Samsung in another case involving the company’s current models. That case is due to be tried next year.