As China’s ruling Communist Party undertakes its once-in-a-decade leadership transition, former US national security adviser Henry Kissinger hopes that under the new leadership, the Asian giant will be “more transparent” and its opaque legal system “more predictable’’.

Kissinger, who is credited with opening America’s relations with China in the 70’s, says he expects to see transformations in the Chinese economy and society as well as foreign policy in the coming decade.

“I think it (China) will be more transparent, its legal system will be more predictable,” Kissinger was quoted as saying by China Daily as the Communist Party of China is poised to announce a new leadership on Wednesday at the end of a week-long behind-the-door meetings here.

“But it has huge adjustments to make,” Kissinger, 89, said.

He said that one of the major transformations in China over the next 10 years will be the urbanisation of more than 400 million farmers, which will test the country’s infrastructure, economy and even traditional value systems.

Kissinger, still thought of as an influential public figure, noted that China’s future generation will be unique: most of them raised in one-child families and the first generation in hundreds of years that has never experienced upheaval.

In foreign policy, he forecast that as China spurs domestic consumption and depends less on exports, it will be less dependent on foreign markets.

“I can imagine a transformation, I think that is certain,” he said, adding that the US should not expect China to follow its path.

“What we must not demand or expect is that they will follow the mechanisms with which we are more familiar. It will be a Chinese version, but it will be, I believe, more transparent.’’

The CPC made clear before the 18th Party Congress opened on Thursday that it is determined to further enhance reforms at all levels.

The Party will uphold the policy of reform and opening-up and set out specific goals, missions and guidelines for development, Cai Mingzhao, the spokesman for the Congress, told reporters here last week.

The reforms will include improving the economic system, market mechanisms, the basic distribution system, the socialist democratic system, cultural management and social management, he said.