Malaysia, Egypt call for help to end Gaza violence

PTI Updated - March 12, 2018 at 02:35 PM.

Malaysia and Egypt have agreed to ask “international power brokers” to help stop the escalating violence in West Asia, the Muslim-majority Southeast Asian country said.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said in a statement from his office that Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi had called him last night to discuss the latest Israeli air strikes on Hamas-controlled Gaza.

“Both countries agreed to ask international power brokers to influence Israel to stop its military aggression towards the Palestinian people,” said the statement issued after the 15-minute call.

“They also urged Hamas to refrain from action that will escalate the conflict into a bigger confrontation,” it added.

Najib also said Malaysia was “deeply concerned” over the crisis and was ready to help “in any way possible’’.

“The events once more underline the need for a Middle East peace process, and we call on international power brokers to step in to help ensure enduring peace in the region,” he said in the statement.

Najib will also use a summit of Southeast Asian leaders next week in Phnom Penh to call for international support of the Palestinians’ bid to become an observer state in the United Nations.

US President Barack Obama is also attending the meeting.

An aide to Najib confirmed that the Prime Minister would discuss the issue at the summit. Malaysia has long been a staunch supporter of the Palestinians’ aspirations of statehood.

Yesterday, more than 100 people demonstrated outside the US embassy in the capital Kuala Lumpur against the “incessant Israeli attack” on Gaza, urging the US to stop “one-sided support for Israel and be an honest broker’’.

Dozens of people have died in two days of violence.

Published on November 17, 2012 06:45