Egyptian authorities on Saturday charged ousted President Mohammed Morsi with insulting the judiciary, state media has reported.

This is the latest in a string of cases brought against the Islamist leader.

An investigative judge has ordered Morsi detained for four days pending further questioning for the allegation that he accused judges supervising 2005 parliamentary elections of rigging the polls, official Middle East News Agency said.

Morsi made the fraud allegation in a public address he gave days before the army deposed him in July.

Last week, Morsi, along with senior members in his Muslim Brotherhood group, was referred to trial for allegedly inciting the murder of protesters rallying against him in December. No specific date has been set for the trial.

He is also facing charges of conspiring with the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas to perpetrate “hostile acts” during a 2011 uprising against his predecessor Hosni Mubarak.

Morsi was deposed by military chief Abdel-Fattah al-Sissi on July 3, after millions took to the streets calling for Egypt’s first democratically elected president to go.

He has since been detained by the military at an undisclosed location. His supporters say the charges are politically motivated.