Nepal is going to send its revised version of the map to Google, the United Nations, and India. The revised version incorporates Indian territories of Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh, and Kalapani, Hindustan Times reported.

This comes as political tension grows between India and Nepal over border issues, where Nepal has claimed a few of Indian territories as its own.

Speaking to media, Padma Aryal, Nepal’s minister for land management said as quoted in the HT report: “We will be sending the updated map including Kalapani, Lipulekh, and Limpiyadhura to various UN agencies and the international community including India. The process will be completed by the middle of this month.”

The ministry has also asked the department of measurement to publish around 4000 copies of the new map in English and share it with the international community.

The department has so far printed 25,000 copies of the latest version of the map, which has been distributed in Nepal.

The revised map was released on May 20.

Meanwhile, the United Nations has also already maintained that it is not going to use the revised version.

UN prints its own maps which come with a disclaimer. The one on the UN Maps said: "The boundaries and names that are shown and the designations that have been used on this map do not imply the official endorsement or acceptance by the UN," DNA reported.

While India declined to accept the new map saying it is “not based on historical facts and evidence.”

It added that “such artificial enlargement of territorial claims will not be accepted by India.”