North Korea suggested that preparatory talks be held this week on a new round of family reunions, South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency reported on Monday.

Pyongyang agreed to a meeting between Red Cross officials of both sides on Wednesday or Thursday in the border village of Panmunjom, the agency quoted a South Korean Unification Ministry spokesman as saying.

Seoul earlier suggested a period from February 17 to 22 for the reunions of families separated by the 1950-53 Korean War, a highly sensitive issue for the two neighbours. If they go ahead, they will be the first such event since 2010.

In January, North Korea rejected a South Korean proposal for reunions to restart, citing military manoeuvres by South Korea and the United States. Two weeks later, Pyongyang accepted the proposal.

A similar round of reunions was due to take place in September last year, but was called off at the last minute by Pyongyang.