Encouraged by the progress made by lawmakers on various aspects of a comprehensive immigration reform, US President Barack Obama believes that there should be no further delay in decision on the critical issue.

“We are encouraged by the progress we’ve seen. We are working with those of both parties who are making progress on this issue and putting together legislation,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters.

“The (US) President made clear at the beginning of this process that he thought the best way to create success was for the Senate to take the lead through the Gang of Eight, and there has been significant progress. And I think anybody can contest that,” Carney said.

“The President still believes that we should not waste time, that this is an issue that is essential to act on where there should be and has been substantial bipartisan agreement, and there is evidence that bipartisan agreement is there, and we are encouraged by what we have seen,” he said in response to a question on the progress made in the immigration reform.

“But we’re not there yet, so we’re not going to pre-judge legislation or the language contained in it before it arrives, but, you know,..the fact is, most of what we are seeing are comments that reflect the process, the positive progress that’s been made, and the President is encouraged by that,” Carney said.