Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney has accused Barack Obama of failing to outline a second-term agenda, mocking the incumbent US President for “running on fumes’’.

“I think it’s pretty clear that when it comes to his policies and his answers and his agenda, he’s pretty much running on fumes, and the American people want some real answers and a real agenda,” Romney had said during an election rally in Virginia yesterday.

A day after the second of the three debates with Obama, Romney said November’s presidential elections put before Americans a choice between two different America.

“An America where government makes the rules, where government is larger and larger, where it takes more and more from the American people, where it runs more of our businesses and increasingly runs our lives; or instead an America where we restore the principles that made the nation it is, that we bring back the principles of the Declaration of Independence, recognise that God gave us our rights and they include life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness, the right to pursue happiness,” he said.

“We take America in two very different places, and I think that’s very clear by virtue of what you’ve heard over the last two debates and probably will over the third as well. One is, the President will put America in a place that has about $20 trillion in debt, killing the American dream for your kids,” he said.

“If I become President, I’m going to take the action to make sure that we cap our federal spending, we limit federal spending as a percentage of our total economy, and we finally get America on track to a balanced budget,” Romney said.