US President Barack Obama is expected to take the recent unrest in the Muslim world and Iran’s nuclear ambition during his keynote speech to the United Nations General Assembly, a presidential aide said.

“I would expect the President to address the recent unrest in the Muslim world and the broader context of the democratic transitions in the Arab world,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters.

“As he has in recent days, the President will make it clear that we reject the views in the video that has caused offense in the Muslim world, while also underscoring that violence is never acceptable — a message that has been echoed by the leaders he has personally reached out to in places like Egypt, Libya and Yemen,” he said.

“He will also send a clear message that the United States will never retreat from the world. The United States will bring justice to those who harm Americans and the United States will stand strongly for our democratic values abroad,” Carney asserted giving a preview of Obama’s fourth annual speech to the UN General Assembly.

Observing that Obama always looks forward to the opportunity to address the General Assembly, Carney said it’s a real moment for the US to assert its values and its leadership role, to make clear where America stand in the midst of this remarkable period of transformation in the Arab world; how US leadership, combined with the leadership of other nations, is helping the people of that region to overcome decades of tyranny and move towards democratic forms of government that are more responsive to their aspirations, that respect the rights of women and minorities.

“He will also address the most recent unrest, the fact that the United States Government condemns and finds reprehensible the content of the anti-Muslim video but that the United States government was not responsible for it, and it is absolutely our position that there is never justification for the kinds for any violence in response to a video. He’ll make that clear as well,” he said.