After US Congress officially declared him the winner of November presidential elections, US President Barack Obama will have two swearing-in ceremonies for his second term by Chief Justice John Roberts on January 20 and 21, the Presidential Inauguration Committee has said.

Historically, inaugural ceremonies are not held on a Sunday because courts and other public institutions are not open.

US Constitution

Therefore, this year, in accordance with the requirements of the US Constitution, Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden will officially be sworn in on Sunday, January 20, 2013.

The following day, Monday, January 21, 2013, a ceremonial swearing-in that is open to the public will take place on the West Front of the United States Capitol, the PIC said.

The committee has announced that US Chief Justice John G Roberts Jr will administer the oath of office for Obama at the inaugural swearing-in ceremonies on both the days and Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor will administer the oath of office to Biden.

“I will be honoured to again stand on the inaugural platform and take part in this important American tradition,” Obama said.

“I look forward to having Chief Justice John Roberts administer my oath of office as we gather to celebrate not just a president or vice-president, but the strength and determination of the American people,” he added.

Obama followed presidential precedent in choosing the Chief Justice to administer his oath of office. Biden personally selected Associate Justice Sotomayor, who will be the first Hispanic and fourth female judge to administer an oath of office, the committee said.

Three women have previously sworn-in presidents and vice-presidents: Judge Sarah T. Hughes swore-in President Johnson in 1963; Justice Sandra Day O’Connor swore-in Vice-President Dan Quayle in 1989; and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg swore-in Vice President Al Gore in 1997.

“It’s an incredible honour to have Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor swear me in,” Biden said.

“I believed strongly that she would make a great justice, and it was one of the greatest pleasures of my career to be involved in her selection to the court. From the first time I met her, I was impressed by Justice Sotomayor’s commitment to justice and opportunity for all Americans, and she continues to exemplify those values today.

“...Above all, I’m happy for the chance to be sworn in by a friend — and someone I know will continue to do great things,” he added.