Obama tours storm-ravaged New Jersey coastline with Christie

PTI Updated - March 12, 2018 at 02:25 PM.


Setting aside political rivalry, US President Barack Obama toured the New Jersey coastline ravaged by superstorm Sandy with its Republican Governor, with the two leaders praising each other for their response to the disaster and assuring all help to the affected residents.

The rare bipartisanship displayed by Obama and Governor Chris Christie, a fierce critic of the President, comes just days ahead of the November 6 Presidential election.

Obama, who got an aerial view of destroyed houses and beaches in the State known for its casinos and other recreational spots, praised Christie for his recovery efforts, saying the Governor had put his “heart and soul” in making sure the state “bounces back stronger than before.”

“I just want to thank him for his extraordinary leadership and participation,” Obama said yesterday.

He assured residents that the Government would “not quit” and offered all help in rebuilding the destroyed cities.

Obama, who had suspended his election campaigning in the wake of the storm, said the biggest priority is to restore electricity for the millions of residents and businesses in states like New Jersey and New York, which have been the hardest hit by the storm.

“Our hearts go out to the families who have lost loved ones. My message... is we are here for you, we will not forget, we will follow up to make sure you get all the help you need till you rebuild,” he said. “We are going to be here for the haul.”

Obama said the federal government would work with the Christie administration in “getting power turned back on” and his office is looking at the possibility of using federal and military assets from around the country to help put the transport system back on its feet.

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Published on November 1, 2012 08:30