The approval rating of US President Barack Obama has plunged downward by eight per cent in as many weeks, latest poll said as a result of which his job approval rating has dipped below 50 per cent for the first time since September.

The latest CNN/ORC International poll said 47 per cent of the people approved job Obama’s doing in office, down eight points since the start of the year, with 50 per cent saying that they disapprove.

“That’s up seven points from January and it’s the highest that number has been in over a year. The 47 per cent approval rating in the CNN poll is in line with recent numbers from surveys from other news organisations,” the news channel said.

The poll finds the expected partisan divide, with Democrats overwhelmingly approving of the President and Republicans overwhelmingly disapproving, and Obama at 41 per cent approval — 53 per cent disapproval among independent voters.

By a 57 per cent — 42 per cent margin, the public says Obama has the personal qualities a President should have, said CNN Polling director Keating Holland.

According to Politico, the latest poll results are in line with several other recent polls that show the President’s electoral honeymoon is all but over.

Gallup earlier this month found his three-day approval rating tumbling to its lowest level since re-election.

A McClatchy Marist poll last week found his approval rating at 45 per cent among registered voters, the lowest level since 2011.

Quinnipiac came up with the same result earlier this month — 45 per cent — compared with 53 per cent after re-election, it said.

The White House Press Secretary, Jay Carney said that people should not pay attention to these series of polls.