Pressure mounts on Assad over Syrian opposition's offer of talks

PTI Updated - March 12, 2018 at 03:47 PM.

Pressure mounted today on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to respond to a surprise offer of talks by his main political opponents, but a pro-regime daily said the initiative came two years too late.

Assad himself has yet to comment on the offer from Ahmed Moaz al-Khatib, leader of the opposition National Coalition who earlier this week told Al-Jazeera television “the ball is now in the regime’s court. They will either say yes or no”.

He was following up on his announcement last week that he was ready for talks with Assad’s regime — subject to conditions, including the release of 160,000 detainees — on ending the conflict that has ravaged Syria for nearly 23 months.

Khatib later elaborated, telling Al-Arabiya television he was ready to meet Assad’s deputy, Vice-President Faruq al-Sharaa.

In the past the opposition has demanded Assad step down before talks can begin, but analysts say Khatib’s change in stance stems from a belief the population will be bled dry while the West fails to act.

Experts have also predicted Damascus would reject outright Khatib’s overture, and hinting at this, the pro-regime Al-Watan newspaper said on Tuesday that Khatib’s offer came too late.

“Despite their importance, the statements of Sheikh Moaz al-Khatib are two years late. During that time, our finest young men have died, suffered wounds or been exiled, while we have lost our electricity and fuel infrastructure, alongside several military positions,” it said in an editorial.

“So the ball is not in the Syrian State’s hands, as Khatib said,” Al-Watan added.

Washington gave strong backing to Khatib’s call for dialogue.

US State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said if the Syrian regime is interested in peace “it should sit down and talk now with the... coalition, and we would strongly support al-Khatib in that call.”

But the US position remained unchanged on bringing to account those, on both sides, who have committed atrocities, she stressed.

Assad last month announced he was ready for talks with the opposition but ruled out meeting groups such as the National Coalition, which backs rebels seeking to overthrow his regime.

Some regime opponents denounced Khatib’s offer, while others welcomed it.

Published on February 6, 2013 07:10