Pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine held a vote on independence on Sunday amid fears the poll could spark a civil war and lead to the break-up of the ex-Soviet republic.

Western nations supporting Ukraine’s Government in its showdown with pro-Moscow insurgents stressed the self-rule “referendums” for the provinces of Donetsk and Lugansk were illegal and would not be recognised.

Isolated fighting flared anew as heavily armed rebels tried to regain control of a TV tower on the outskirts of the flashpoint town of Slavyansk. Tensions were also running high elsewhere.

In the dozen or so rebel-controlled towns, voters lined up calmly to cast ballots. Most checked ‘yes’ to the question.

Meanwhile, the Kiev government, in statement said: “The organisers of this criminal farce have violated the constitution and Ukrainian law.” It added that the vote was “inspired, organised and financed by the Kremlin” and declared that it would “have no legal consequences for the territorial integrity of Ukraine.”