Closely monitoring the political developments in strife-torn Iraq, the US yesterday said it stands ready to support a new and inclusive government in Baghdad, particularly in the fight against Islamic State militants.

“We believe such a new and inclusive government is the best way to unify the country against ISIL as well as to enlist the support of other countries in the region and international community”, State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf said.

“The United States is closely monitoring the situation in Iraq and is in touch with Iraqi leaders. The United States fully supports President Fuad Masum in his role as guarantor of the Iraqi Constitution”, she said.

Her remarks came after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said he will file a legal complaint against President Masum for committing “a clear constitutional violation”.

Al-Maliki, whose coalition won the most seats in April elections, has accused the new president of neglecting to name a prime minister from the country’s largest parliamentary bloc by yesterday’s deadline.

“We reaffirm our support for a process to select a Prime Minister who can represent the aspirations of the Iraqi people by building a national consensus and governing in an inclusive manner. We reject any effort to achieve outcomes through coercion or manipulation of the constitutional or judicial process”, Harf said.

Meanwhile, the US military planes conducted fourth airdrop of meals and water to thousands of religious minorities trapped on Iraq’s Sinjar mountain.

Thousands of families from the Yazidi minority community are trapped on the Sinjar mountain without food and water after fleeing the rampaging fighters of the Islamic State, also known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or ISIS.

The C-17 and three C-130 cargo aircraft together dropped a total of 88 bundles of supplies, the US Central Command said, adding that US fighter aircraft in the area supported the mission.

While the C-17 dropped 40 container delivery system bundles of fresh drinking water totalling 3,804 gallons, the three C-130s dropped 48 bundles totalling 22,488 meals ready to eat and 590 gallons of fresh drinking water.

To date, in coordination with the government of Iraq, US military aircraft have delivered more than 74,000 meals and more than 15,000 gallons of fresh drinking water, providing much-needed aid to the displaced Yazidis, who urgently require emergency assistance.

Also, the US has evacuated some of its staff members from the Iraqi Kurdish city of Arbil, the State Department said.