Russia backs Assad regime in Syria as US, Germany send Patriots

PTI Updated - March 12, 2018 at 03:28 PM.

Russia insisted today its stand on the conflict in key ally Syria was unchanged, while Washington and Berlin prepared to deploy Patriot missiles and troops near Turkey’s border with the country.

A Foreign Ministry spokesman in Moscow said Russia’s controversial support for President Bashar al-Assad’s regime was unchanged and that remarks by Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov did not reflect official policy.

But Washington swiftly welcomed Bogdanov’s observations while announcing the deployment of two Patriot missile batteries and 400 support troops to fellow NATO member Turkey.

Germany and The Netherlands also have agreed to provide advanced “hit-to-kill” Patriot weapons, which are designed to knock out cruise and ballistic missiles as well as aircraft.

Today, the German parliament approved sending the missiles along with up to 400 US soldiers. Last week, the Dutch cabinet also gave a go-ahead for Patriots, along with a maximum 360 soldiers to operate them.

Bogdanov’s comments, reported by several Russian news agencies, had appeared to mark a major change in policy by Moscow, which has repeatedly used its veto powers in the UN Security Council to shield its Cold War ally.

But Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich insisted that there was no such shift. “We have never changed our position and we never will,” he said.

At the close of a two-day European Union summit British Prime Minister David Cameron said “inaction and indifference are not options” in Syria.

The situation in Syria, with more than 43,000 now dead, is “truly dreadful and getting worse,” he said, adding that there is “no single, simple answer.”

Earlier, French President Francois Hollande said “the war is now turning against Assad and we should set ourselves this objective — make Assad leave as quickly as possible.”

A joint statement by EU leaders said they were “appalled by the increasingly deteriorating situation in Syria” and looking at “all options” to help the opposition and protect civilians.

As rebels have seized large swathes of northern Syria along Turkey’s southern flanks, there has been mounting stray fire across the frontier. Some of it has been deadly, drawing strong warnings from Ankara that it will act to defend its territory.

Western governments resisted a Turkish call earlier this year for a Libyan-style no-fly zone to create a buffer zone at the border, a position reiterated by NATO today.

“The deployment will be defensive only. It will not support a no-fly zone or any offensive operation,” said alliance spokeswoman Oana Lungescu.

Published on December 15, 2012 07:21