Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has ordered authorities to take “immediate action” and report back to him Thursday over the so-called honour killing of a pregnant woman.

Police said Farzana Iqbal, 25, was stoned to death by her father, brothers, other relatives and her ex-fiance on Tuesday for marrying a man against their wishes in January.

The attack took place in front of the high court in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province. The case has shocked many in the overwhelmingly conservative Muslim country where such killings occur and made international headlines.

“I am directing the Chief Minister (of Punjab) to take immediate action and a report must be submitted by this evening to my office,” Sharif said in a statement issued by his office.

“This crime is totally unacceptable and must be dealt with in accordance with law promptly.” Sharif is the older brother of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif whose apparent inaction over the killing has reportedly angered him.

Police arrested Iqbal’s father but other accused remain at large.

Every year, an estimated 1,500 women are killed on the pretext of honour, rights groups such as the Aurat Foundation say.

Many people in Pakistan consider it dishonour if a female relative chooses the man she wants to marry.