Sony sold 4.2 million PlayStation consoles (PS4) in 2013, the company announced on Tuesday, handily beating the sales record of its main rival, Microsoft’s Xbox One, which garnered sales of 3 million last year.

Both the consoles were released in November to widespread acclaim, coming some seven years since the previous generation of video game machines hit the market.

The new consoles were released as traditional video games faced increasing competition from casual games played on smartphones and tablets.

But with daily sales since November for the PS4 averaging 98,000, and 77,000 for the Xbox One it appears there are still plenty of enthusiasts still willing to fork out hundreds of dollars for dedicated video game machines.

The PS4 sells for $399, while the Xbox One costs $499.

Sony also said that more than 9.7 million games for the PS4 were sold. At the top of the favourites’ list were Call of Duty: Ghosts, Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag, Battlefield 4, FIFA 14 and Killzone Shadow Fall.