South Korea and the US began a large-scale amphibious landing drill on Thursday, the Yonhap News agency reported, amid heightened tensions on the peninsula.

The Ssang Yong (double dragon) exercise involves more than 10,000 naval and marine troops from both countries. It is the largest joint marine drill between the two nations since 1993, and is taking place on the south-eastern coast of the peninsula until April 7.

North Korea’s state-run Rodong Sinmun newspaper on Monday denounced the drill and a joint aerial training exercise, accusing Washington of raising tensions, Yonhap said.

Pyongyang test-fired two missiles into the sea early on Wednesday, reports said, prompting international condemnation.

It was the latest of several such launches this week, as South Korean, Japanese and US leaders criticised the North’s nuclear weapons programme during a meeting in the Netherlands.

The Ssang Yong drill includes 200 South Korean marines and 1,000 naval troops as well as 7,500 US marines and 2,000 navy personnel, Yonhap said. Also taking part are 22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and CH-53 heavy-lift helicopters.