After suspending his election campaign to personally lead the administration’s preparedness for superstorm Sandy pounding the East Coast, US President Barack Obama has roped in charismatic Bill Clinton to carry on the campaign on his behalf.

Seeking his re-election, the next one week is crucial for Obama as voting for the presidential elections is scheduled for November 6 and the polls indicate that both he and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney are running neck and neck.

Clinton would hold rallies at several places in Minnesota today where he will discuss the choice in this election between moving forward with President Obama’s vision to create an economy that’s built to last, or going back to the same failed top-down economic policies that crashed the economy and punished the middle class, the Obama Campaign announced.

Following the events in Minnesota, former president Clinton will deliver remarks at grassroots events in Colorado, the campaign said late last night. Clinton yesterday addressed rallies in Florida and Ohio, where he slammed Romney.

“Now it turns out that Jeep is reopening in China because they made so much money here they can afford to do it and they are going on with their plans here. They put out a statement today saying that it was the biggest load of bull in the world that they would consider shutting down their American operation. They are roaring in America thanks to people like the people of Ohio,” Clinton said in Ohio.

“So in keeping with that, here is what I want to say I think this election is about. I support Barack Obama because I think he has got a better jobs plan, and a better jobs record, a better budget plan, a better education plan, a better health care plan than his opponent Governor Romney,” he said.

Vice-President Joe Biden and First Lady Michelle Obama also continued with their election campaign even as Obama was now focused on storm Sandy preparedness.

“The election will take care of itself next week. Right now, our number-one priority is to make sure that we are saving lives, that our search-and-rescue teams are going to be in place, that people are going to get food, the water, the shelter that they need in case of emergency,” Obama had said.

“He (Obama) has made, really, this storm his priority, even in the midst of the final days of this campaign. He’s going to do whatever it takes to make sure that the American people are safe and secure,” Michelle said at a rally in Iowa.

Biden was also campaigning in Ohio, which he termed as “the epicentre” of this election. “If we win Ohio, we win this election,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Romney Campaign announced that Romney and his running mate Paul Ryan would hold storm relief efforts today. The announcement came after Romney cancelled his election campaign meetings due to the superstorm Sandy.