Accusing Mitt Romney and his team of frequently changing stand on a host of issues, President Barack Obama has launched a humour-blended attack on his Republican rival, saying that he was suffering from ‘Romnesia’, which could only be cured through ‘Obamacare’.

“He (Romney) is changing up so much and backtracking and sidestepping (that) we’ve got to name this condition that he is going through. I think it’s called ‘Romnesia’. That’s what it’s called. I think that’s what he’s going through,” Obama said during his election speech in Fairfax, Virginia.

Romney has come down with a case of ‘Romnesia’ because he is now forgetting what were his own positions on various women-related issues like equal wages, coverage for contraceptive care and their right to choose, Obama said.

“You say you’re for equal pay for equal work, but you keep refusing to say whether or not you’d sign a bill (on it). You say women should have access to contraceptive care, but you support legislation that would let your employer deny you contraceptive care,” Omaba said.

“If you say you’ll protect a woman’s right to choose, but you stand up at a primary debate and said that you’d be ‘delighted’ to sign a law outlawing that right to choose in all cases, man, you’ve definitely got Romnesia,” he added.

“If you say that you’re a champion of the coal industry when you, as the Governor, stood in front of a coal plant and said, this plant will kill you, that’s some Romnesia. So, I think you’re beginning to be able to identify these symptoms,” the President said.

“Now, this extends to other issues. If you say earlier that I am going to give a tax cut to the top 1 per cent and then in a debate you say, I don’t know anything about giving tax cuts to rich folks, you need to get a thermometre, take your temperature as you’ve probably got Romnesia,” he said.

“If you come down with a case of Romnesia, and you can’t seem to remember the policies that are still on your Web site, or the promises you made over the six years you’ve been running for President, here’s the good news — Obamacare covers pre-existing conditions,” Obama said.