Greece’s Ministry of Culture on Friday said it was too early to speculate whether an ancient mound currently being excavated in the north contained the remains of Alexander the Great.

Greek media have said a tomb unearthed by archaeologists in Amplipolis, Serres, 600 kilometers north of Athens, is the royal tomb of Roxane, the wife and son of 4th century BC king Alexander the Great. Some reports said the tomb may be of Alexander himself.

“The finding of Amphipolis is certainly very important, but linking the site with the identification of historical figures without scientific justification is risky,” the Culture Ministry said in a press release.

Alexander, who was educated by the ancient Greek philosopher Artistotle, conquered most of the world known to the ancient Greeks.

By the age of 25 he had defeated the Persians and his entire eventually included Egypt, Anatolia, Syria, Gaza and Mesopotamia, even stretching as far as India.

At age 32 he died in Babylon, possibly as the result of malaria or typhoid fever.